So what happens on the Camino? 

Here is a what to expect on an average day.

Good morning! Hope you got some sleep last night. Man, that German guy snores like a badly maintained snowplow. Thank whatever gods are listening we have earplugs. Sheesh.

Ready to go? Check your bunk, get your sleep gear in your pack and let’s get hiking before it gets busy. Oh, ok.. go use the bathroom and then meet me out front of the albergue while I hunt down coffee.

Wanna grab breakfast here or just a quick coffee? Pickings are slim for food but the bar is open and the coffee machine is working. We have 16 miles to do today and the elevation profile on the Wise Pilgrim app says it is rough and hilly so we should plan on stopping a few times to rest our feet and refuel. Id like to be done by 2 or 3 if we can. Breakfast here? Right on.

Next village is 5 miles away so we can top up water or get second coffee there in a while. Oh, ok… go use the bathroom and meet me out front.

Well, that was an easy 5 miles. Love the mountains but these rolling hills are a heck of a lot easier on my knees. Coffee time! Bathroom? No? WTH?? Next village is only 4 miles, we can grab lunch there if you want.

Lunch. I need lunch. Breakfast wasn’t enough and I’m dragging after just 10 miles. I’m not so in love with these rolling hills all the sudden… Food is good. I know people gripe about the bocadilla, but I love the darn things! Oh, ok… go use the bathroom and meet me down at the water fountain. Refill your bottle too, looks low and I don’t think you drink enough.

6 more miles and we are done for the day. Beer awaits! Bathroom… again? Yer killing me.

Nice vista. Wanna stop and take pics, maybe bust into the sausage I got 3 days ago? No, it has been in my pack, I’m clearly not carrying a refrigerator. You will be fine. Here, you try it first. Ok, I will you big baby.

DONE! Another day in the books. Nice walk today, loved the scenery. I have to admit I really wanted to give the German guy crap but hey, it is his Camino too! Let’s find the albergue that the Irish kids mentioned and get some bunks.

$12 for a bed and free laundry? SOLD. Lemme dig out my passport and pilgrims credential for the nice albergue host. Man I want a shower.

Looks clean, check for bedbug signs. I will check mattress seams, you check the baseboards and storage locker for red dots and black gunk. I know we treated our backpacks and sleep gear with permethrin, but let’s be sure.

Nice bunks, I will take top one since I don’t get up every 20 mins to use the bathroom like some folks. Shower time. Where is all your shower stuff? Is it all in that one bag? Hang on… So you packed your clothes, toiletries, laundry bag etc all in one bag in order of use instead of juggling multiple bags? That’s GENIUS! I’m totally stealing that idea and starting an entire website devoted to spreading it.

Hey, wear your shower shoes, I don’t need your foot funk.

Good water pressure, was hot as hell. Nice shower. The Irish girls were right. Gimme the laundry bag and I will throw my crap in there so we can let the host get em in the machine.

Nap time for me…

What? Why am I awake? What time is it? Dinner time? PERFECT. Let’s hit up the place across the street for a pilgrims meal. The posted menu looked good for $12. Yes, and beer. I’m having wine tho.

Wanna walk about after dinner? I’d like to get to bed before 9 but the app said there are a couple of cool churches to see. Cool. Food then tourism.

I like this town a lot. Small enough to be quaint but big enough to have that market for snacks and a suspiciously good camino store that had the replacement hiking pole tips I needed.

Laundry is done! Nice. Now we can get packed and ready for tomorrow. Did I mention I am stealing your idea for packing my clothing bag? Socks in bottom, then shorts, then shirt, then underwear in order of use with laundry bag and toiletry bag on top. Seriously brilliant. I am not a fan of diggin through 2 or 3 bags in the shower. Tomorrow will be a lot easier this way.

You using your blanket tonight? The albergue has some but I am too fond of my tech quilt. I have everything else packed so all I need to do is jam my quilt in the bag along with my phone charger and cable and we can roll on.

Good night. Great day today. Only 40 more to go…